Highchair Travelers: Three Kings Day

Three Kings featured copyFinished putting away your Christmas decorations yet? While the holidays are officially over for Americans, much of the rest of the Christian world is still going strong, and Christmas won’t officially end until Three Kings Day on January 6th.

Celebrated across Europe and South America, Three Kings Day celebrates the day the wise men finally arrived to give their gifts to the Christ Child. The day is also celebrated as Epiphany.

Traditions for the day vary from country to country, but include parades, feasts, special church services and games. All over Europe people eat a delicious sweet bread called King Cake that is easy to make. In Spain, children put their shoes outside on the night of January 5th with carrots and hay for the camels carrying the wise men on their way. As a thank you, the kings will leave small presents in the shoes overnight!

Little Lemmy sneaks from Mom and Dad's shoes

Little Lemmy sneaks from Mom and Dad’s shoes

This is one of our family’s favorite holiday traditions. Try it yourself this year, maybe the three kings will make a detour through your neighborhood!

Looking for more fun ideas for Three Kings Day? Check out the Highchair Travelers Pinterest Page.